Administration panel
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PHp casino script WEbbet360 includes sports, casino and more.
Uses api technology to connect sports and casino games.
Various bonuses, user management, customer management, marketing, live chat, sports, sports predictions.
Live-casino, Slots, crashgame, tablegames, lottery, bingo, roulette, blackjack, and more.
Soccer Basketball American Football Baseball Ice Hockey Tennis
Greyhounds Volleyball Boxing/UFC Handball Cricket FutsalDarts Table and many others.
Many different currencies. Player history, sports betting, managing and connecting new providers from the panel.
Disabling and enabling each control element.
The main sections of the admin panel:
Clinets, Users, User, User, segmentation, Bonus, Casino, Sports
Sports Matches, Payment, Marketing, Chat, Ticket, Setting.
User section:
User, Online, History, Role, access
Bonus section:
Common, Event, Tier
Casino section:
Providers, Game Lists, History
Lists, Leagues, Bets History, Betting History
Sports Matches:
Available , Finished, Error
Section Payment:
Currency, Balance, Balance History, Payment History
Section Marketing:
Email/SMS, Marketing History
Chat Section:
Chat Room, Block Users, Report Users, Support
Section Ticket:
Setting section:
Banner, Notification, Spinwheel, Blogs